



Vie estudiantine

École doctorale



Türkiye Scholarships 2020 Applications Open
Date de création: 07 Fev 2020 / 499 Vue(s)

Apart from providing education opportunities at an international caliber as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience, Turkey offers scholarships to international students from all over the world to study in the most prestigious universities in Turkey.

Türkiye Scholarships is a government-funded, competitive scholarship program, awarded to outstanding students and researchers to pursue full-time or short-term program at the top universities in Turkey.

Türkiye Scholarships aims to build a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation among countries and mutual understanding among societies.

Application Dates: 10 January – 20 February 2020

Türkiye Scholarships applications for 2020 will be received in one period, and applications will be open between 15th January- 20th February 2020 for international students from all countries.

Link : Türkiye Scholarships 2020 Applications Open