



Vie estudiantine

École doctorale



Preparatory cycle
Like other institutes of preparatory studies in prépaFSM deal with scientific and technical courses lasting two years.

There are two streams:

Mathematics and Physics (MP) for students holding a bachelor « mathematics ».
Physics and Chemistry (PC): welcoming students who obtained a BA in « experimental sciences » or « mathematics ». 

First year of the Preparatory

Filières Matières (coefficient)
Mathématiques – Physique
Cours TD TP
Mathématiques         (14) 8 4 -
Physique  (8) 3,5 2 1
Chimie  (4) 1 0,5 0,5
Français (3) 2 - -
Anglais (3) 2 - -
Informatique (3) 1 - 1
S.T.I* (5) 1 1 0,5


Filières Matières (coefficient)
Physique – Chimie
Cours TD TP
Mathématiques    (10) 6 4 -
Physique   (10) 4,5 2 2
Chimie   (6) 3 1 1
Français  (3) 2 - -
Anglais  (3) 2 - -
Informatique (3) 1 - 1
S.T.I*  (5) 1 1 0,5


The lessons are taught through courses, tutorials and practical work. The academic year is divided into three terms and features:
At least thirty (30) weeks of instruction in first grade.
At least twenty six (26) weeks of instruction in second grade.



Examination system


The degree of assimilation of various concepts discussed is controlled in each quarter of a regular and continuous.
For each of the subjects taught, it is organized at least one test of control, having watched an oral examination, and a quarterly review of quarter end. Similarly, practical lessons are evaluated on the basis of continuous monitoring.

The timing control knowledge is arrested at the beginning of each year.

At the end of each quarter, the average of each student for each subject taught, is calculated on the basis of marks obtained in various written tests, oral and practical as weighting factors:
Contrôle Pourcentage de pondération (%)
  Matière avec TP Matière sans TP
Tests de contrôle et oral 20 20
Travaux pratiques (TP) 20 -
Devoirs Surveillés 20 30
Examens de fin de trimestre 40 50


The annual average for each of two years of training is calculated by multiplying the quarterly averages of the following factors:
1er trimestre : ×1 2ème trimestre : × 2 3ème trimestre : × 2


Terms of passage in 2nd year
The Board class meets at the end of each quarter to evaluate student performance case by case basis. It decides based on the average and abilities of the student during the year of transition from first year to second year of the preparatory cycle.

It also has the flexibility to assign a grade of zero for failure to attend a test or ongoing quarterly review.
Disciplinary provisions
Under Decree No. 2002 -1838 of August 12, 2002, fixing the system of studies and examinations in preparation for graduate studies in engineering, attending all lessons is required.

In addition students must complete their studies in classrooms where they are registered under the name lists. Those who do not respect the allocations of these lists by integrating into other classes are considered absent. Students are required to respect their time and ensure to be at all meetings. All students latecomers will not be accepted in class.

IT is also made known to students that any unauthorized absence is sanctioned by a warning and three warnings that cause the appearance of the person before the Disciplinary Board of the Institute.

However, any student who is the subject of wrongful acts or failure to fulfill any academic loses the benefit of a possible takeover by the class council during discussions of the results of year-end.
Validation of candidates for national competitions
The participation of students of second year and MP PC to national competition entry to training courses for engineers is not automatic. Only students meeting the conditions of scientific level and attendance in school, are allowed to enter these competitions. These conditions are set each year by the class council.

In case of failure, students who have exhausted their rights for inclusion in the second year preparatory cycle and not holders of Diploma Studies University First Round (DEUPC) are allowed to enroll in the second year of an undergraduate bachelor of science degree in a technical or scientific or technical institution within the same university as their home institution or, failing that, at another university..